HONG KONG, Nov. 28, 2017 – Tech investors and decision makers, including Mr. Benny Chan, CEO of XDynamics Limited gathered at Innovation and Breakthrough Forum 2017, organized by Co-operatives of Innovative Intellectual (CII) on 17 November. Discussion was made over “Investment: from growth and sustainability”. Al Gore, the former US vice-president, advocated broader policy-making and business mindset.

Innovations reshapes our world
Technology undergoes rapid change, there are yet mysteries of innovations. As Chief Guest of Honor at the conference, Al Gore gave a speech on “How breakthrough and sustainable innovations change global growth”, noting that there are multiple revolutionary innovations which unprecedentedly reshape our world, and the developments behind are not limited by specific devices or businesses, but entire field of science

Conventional matrices have shortcomings
The Nobel Peace laureate urged governments and entrepreneurs to acknowledge conventional matrices and policies making fail to consider both positive and negative externalities, exploitation of natural resources and inequality issues.
Giveaway of “Evolve” at Q&A session
The conference also involved Dr. Bernard Chan, Undersecretary for Commerce and Economic Development, and Mr. Ian Huang, Chairman of CII to address speeches, each with Q&A session, in which XDynamics gave away our self-designed quadcopter “Evolve” to an audience who raised question.