Depending on the flight conditions and obstacles in the return to home flight path, the operator can choose a safe altitude for the Return to Home function. This altitude should be set up before flight under the APP configuration tab.
A low altitude setting is not recommended for obstacle clearance (such as trees or buildings). Also, notice the maximum legal flight altitude for each flight. This configuration allows the aircraft to reach a programmed altitude before starting to fly back to the home position. If the aircraft is below the programmed altitude it will ascend to the programmed altitude, then proceed to the home position. If the aircraft is above the programed altitude it will remain at that altitude and then proceed to the home position.
This is a very important setting to take in consideration in every flight, specially when there are obstacles in between your controller and the Drone. If the Drone looses signal for flying behind a tall building or mountain, having minimum return to home altitude set can save the day.
We strongly recommend users and pilots to plan and setup the minimum Drone Return to Home Altitude as part of the before flight checklist.
To configure the Return to Home Altitude, the user may change it under the following path: DRONE SETTINGS > AIRCRAFT > RETURN TO HOME ALTITUDE.
End of Instrucions part. Read the rest if you desire to learn more about this topic.
Know More about the RTH function:

Drone Return to Home Altitude Setting Screen
Tips: You can predict the minimum Altitude by looking at your surrounding obstacles and comparing them to some buildings. i.e. – each floor of a building is about 10 to 15 feet tall, so a 10-floor building is about 120 feet tall on average.
We always recommend setting the minimum drone return to the home altitude before the flight, but if you feel the need to adjust that setting during your flight you can type in a new altitude setting by accessing the menu previously mentioned and adjusting it.
From our pilots’ experiences and shared stories about this topic:
Most Common Situation That An Accident Occurs When The Minimum Drone Return To Home Altitude Is Not Set Properly.
Most pilots that orient their flight path through the First Person View screen, or FPV, have reported that they don’t notice that the Drone is somehow out of their direct line of sight, either they are hiding behind a building or the pilot bypassed a mountain summit and lowered the altitude after passing the highest point.
Usually on those situations the radio signal is also lost and the failsafe action of most drones, including Evolve2, is to trigger the drone return to home function, well if the minimum return to home altitude is lower than any of the obstacles we are certainly looking into a unwanted crash situation.
Here you can find a good article on how to use RTH correctly
This setting is found in our Remote Controller Station
In the video above you can find the most common features of the XDynamics Remote Controller. You will find the main menu access icon on the top right of the bottom touch screen as a small gear icon, the top bar becomes a line menu where the first icon on the left ( small airplane) is the AIRCRAFT menu, tap on it and one of the first lines of this menu is the Minimum Return To Home Altitude.
Here is how the RTH protocol works. The very first phase of RTH is raising the aircraft vertically to the minimum altitude, if already above the second phase is turning the aircraft’s heading to the home position and it starts to head back, when the home position is reached then the aircraft heads towards the take-off heading and hovers for about 5 seconds before starting the Landing Mode which will bring the aircraft down to the touchdown point, in that mode (Landing) everything is done autonomously but you can still reposition the drone if needed to avoid any upcoming obstacles or even hold the descent rate by pushing you Throttle stick up.